Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Dear Friend,
What can I say? You are right about that salutation. It makes a letter endearing, charming, soulful. Very intriguing. Very Shakespearean even.
Dear Friend. Yes. The sound of it brings a very delightful evocation. I think it is archaic for some people, but what do we care, really. I love letters that dazzle. I guess that is one of the reasons why we are drawn to each other as friends - because we both have the desire to get caught unawares by something that is exquisite. Words - connected words, in this case. I was not kidding when I told you your letter brought tears to my eyes. I woke up feeling a tad bummed out because I had to go to work that morning, but all that black cloud was lifted and completely forgotten after I read your charming letter.
Here is a confession - I felt like a kid again after I read your work. I was propelled back in time when I was nine years old and frenziedly swapping letters with the oh-so-popular girls from other schools. Tsk, that was something! But this one is way up there - a repeat (but this is an octave higher) of that exciting (for a nine-year old that was exciting) stage.For hours, I had this biting impulse to write you back right then and there. But I had to pause. I needed an elongated comma. I had to breathe. Gasp for air. And breathe some more.Writing you back without marinating on my thoughts would have been an error. No, I needed that lull to get to weave something that would tell you more how I appreciate YOU and your friendship. You do not rush something special.♥ There is a word. A word I am searching for. A word within my grasp... something at the tip of my tongue. INSPIRED. I guess that's the word I am looking for. Your letter inspired me. Made me want to write again. Memories of notes stashed away in coat pockets made me dig through stuff all afternoon. I went through closets and drawers and lockers in search of half forgotten notes and paragraphs scribbled on old wrinkled papers. I have hidden them over the years. Once you fall in love with words, no matter how busy your life gets, you will always go back to it. More in love than ever. It was balm to the soul - your adorable letter. The raindrops pattering down the window next to my desk made the reading of your letter a tad dramatic, but I love drama when it has something to do with letters and heavenly words and divine friends.You are that divine friend. Just like you, I look forward to meeting you in person.
We'll talk about things. Anything under the sun. No pretensions, no doubts, no uncertainties.Just breathed assurances of a beginning of a newfound friendship. Just you and me and our stories. Great & bad ones. A beautiful conversation. At point-blank range. Over a cup of coffee or snatched lunch.I feel a certain excitement !
How's that, dear friend?

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